Best Sellers | April 12 – 18

Normally, by the weekend, you’ll see a Best Sellers post along with this week’s YouTube video. Unfortunately, I did not feel well this weekend after getting the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday.

A nurse told me to alternate between Tylenol and Ibuprofen after getting the vaccine, which I did! I felt mostly fine on Friday, but it hit me hard Saturday (when I usually shoot my YouTube videos).

I experienced body aches and headaches, which came in waves. So, when I felt fine after the first round of Tylenol kicked in earlier in the day, I felt sick again later in the day. It was mostly on and off, but mostly on.

So, I apologize for the lack in video this week! Things will be back to be normal next weekend!

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*Disclaimer: Some affiliate links may be used, which I may earn a small commission from (at no cost to you).

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