My 2024 Double-Cleansing Routine

If you’re one of my YouTube subscribers, you may have already seen my video on my new double-cleansing routine. However, I thought it may be helpful to have a blog post about it, with some written details – for all my blog lovers out there!
My last blog post about this was four years ago, so you’re definitely due for an updated look at my new routine! Good news: it’s been simplified!
So, what is double-cleansing?
Double-cleansing is a two-step process where you first wash your face with an oil-based cleanser, then again with a water-based cleanser.
Who should double-cleanse?
From how I understand it, double-cleansing is beneficial for anyone with oily or acne-prone skin, and anyone who wears heavy makeup. I myself, have oily skin and used to wear heavy makeup, but have greatly simplified my makeup routine recently. Today, I still continue to double-cleanse – I don’t think I can stop! But here’s why: I wear a ton of sunscreen (hello, melasma) and will even reapply it throughout the day using powder sunscreen. I’ll also usually wear some makeup over my sunscreen. Combine all that with my oily skin – double-cleansing is a must for me.
How I double-cleanse
What used to be a routine containing 2-3 products, is now down to one product: One cleanser! I also take it one step further and have started incorporating my Nu Skin Lumispa (check out my blog post all about it here).
My first step is using this Soft Wash from Dr. Idriss on my dry face. What I like about the Soft Wash is that it feels like a mix of my Clinique Take the Day Off cleansing balm and a water-based cleanser, all in one. After massaging the cleanser all over my face, you can see your makeup start to melt off. After that, I rinse my face with water and continue to massage the cleanser all over my face.
My face feels pretty clean afterward and doesn’t feel stripped of my natural moisture. This cleanser is also great if you wear contacts or glasses, as it won’t sting your eyes when you open them (to check if you’ve covered your whole face!). Afterward, I dry my face with a dedicated face towel. I like this 12-pack of face towels from Amazon.
My second step is using the same cleanser, but washing my face with my Nu Skin LumiSpa. I’ll squeeze some cleanser on my LumiSpa, and dab it on the four quadrants of my face. I’ll then get a little bit of water on my LumiSpa, and then begin working it around my face – a total of two minutes! What comes off, is insane! Even if all I wore that day is tinted sunscreen, my “dirt swipe” from my LumiSpa is very brown. That reason alone, is why I can’t stop using my Lumi. I’ve got some before and afters of using my Lumi on that blog post linked above.
After being disgusted with my face, I rinse my face again and dry it off with a face towel. It is then, when I begin my nighttime skincare routine. Yes, I only double-cleanse at night!
While double-cleansing can be a process, sticking to only one cleanser that is gentle, yet powerful, can be life-changing for your skin! I absolutely recommend you give it a try if you have a similar skin type to mine.
Let me know how you double-cleanse and what your favorite products are!
*If you’re interested in getting a LumiSpa, send me a DM on Instagram. I’ll try to help you get a deal (like a discount or a free cleanser!)!