Tag: lancome creme mousse confort

How I prevent maskne (mask acne)


Mask acne hit me really hard when there was a mask mandate for Colorado – I was breaking out like crazy! However, I didn’t take any steps to prevent “maskne” at that time.

When I did start taking prevention steps, I went a little overboard. I had read online that using a benzoyl peroxide gel or cream would be really helpful along the chin and mouth area – it was! I just used too much of it and it dried out the lower half of my face really bad – it looked like I had white scruff!

I’ve learned a lot through trial and error when it comes to maskne, so here’s what I’ve found that works best for me.

*Note: I am NOT a dermatologist and can only speak to my experience. My skin type is oily.

Step 1: Double Cleanse – I have a blog post all about it here.

Step 2: Face Toner – I have a number of different toners ranging from weak to strong. I use one type of toner a day on my face, depending on what I feel my face needs. For example, if I wore my face mask almost all day, I would use the stronger toner.

Step 3: Benzoyl peroxide – I never really use toner and a benzoyl peroxide cream or gel at the same time, so this could sometimes be step 2. I use this about one to two times a week on days when I feel like my skin needs that extra care.

Step 4: The other kind of face mask – I’ve been using the Teami Beauty Mask, Restorative Clay Facial. I’ve never really been consistent with any type of face mask until this one – it’s gentle enough to be used multiple times a week (I’ve been using it almost every other day) and it’s made with natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals. Also, it smells amazing! It makes my skin soft (as expected), but it also gives me a glow. I’ve noticed that having a consistent weekly face mask has definitely helped keep my skin clear.

You can get 15% off the Teami’s face mask with my code: ONAIR15 with a minimum purchase of

Step 5: This is the MOST IMPORTANT and the step that has been the most LIFE CHANGING for me: TONER. Yes, it’s another toner, but it’s used on my face mask. I’ve been using the Trader Joe’s face toner (but I’m sure any toner in a spray bottle would work) and I haven’t had a breakout since. I only spray my face mask with toner right before I head to my car.

These are all the steps I take in order to prevent maskne. Let me know if you have any tips you’d like to share as well!

Watch my full video on maskne prevention:

*Some affiliate links may be used, which I may earn a small commission from (at no cost to you).

Double cleansing | Does it work?

Double cleansing: a term I’ve never heard of until a few weeks ago. 

When I looked up what double cleansing meant, I was surprised to learn I was already doing it! 

According to an article I read from the TODAY Show, it’s a two-step process where you first wash your face with an oil-based cleanser, then again with a water-based cleanser.

The oil-based cleansing balm will remove any makeup, dirt, and excess oils from deep into your pores!

Sounds great right? But, does it work?

My answer is yes! I’ve definitely noticed a huge difference in both how my skin looks and feels after double-cleansing. I’ve also noticed fewer breakouts around my chin, which is where they tend to appear these days. My face also looks brighter, and just cleaner!

Now, even when I’m tired, I ALWAYS make sure to do my complete cleansing routine!

Here’s a look at the products I use:

  • I start out with Clinique’s Take the Day Off Cleansing Balm. For a while, I was ONLY using this to remove my makeup and cleanse my face.. I definitely had makeup leftover on my face, but didn’t do anything about it.
  • A few months into this year, I started to use Cetaphil’s Daily Facial Cleanser after the cleansing balm. I was amazed at how good my skin felt afterward.
  • This would complete the double-cleansing process, but I recently started to add in a sample of Lancôme’s Creme Mousse Confort face wash. I didn’t think I would care for it much, but I LOVE it! I think I even get the full-size product once I’m out of my sample! 

In a way, it seems like I may be TRIPLE washing my face, but I kind of count the cleansing balm and water-based cleanser as one step, with the Lancôme cleanser being my second. It works for me and my face doesn’t feel irritated.

In the end, double-cleansing will forever be a part of my skincare system. It’s been great for my skin! Let me know which facial cleansers are your favorite!

Watch my video for a closer look at the products I use:

*I’m not a dermatologist or an expert in skincare. This is my experience with double-cleansing the products that work for me.

*Disclaimer: Some affiliate links may be used, which I may earn a small commission from (at no cost to you).

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