Tag: nordstrom anniversary sale guide

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2023

It’s officially time for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! This is my top favorite sale to shop every year – and the preview is such a big help! I love the fact that you can preview the sale, add items you’d like to purchase to your “wish list” and then move them all to your cart when you’re able to access the sale. It saves so much time and makes the whole process less stressful!

What is the NSale?

It’s Nordstrom’s biggest sale/fashion event of the year where you can save on brand new items and home and fashion essentials! The sale runs July 11 (if you’re a Nordstrom card holder. Apply here.)- August 6, but public access to the sale starts July 17.

As usual, access to the sale is broken into tiers:

Since I’m a Nordstrom Card holder, I’m able to shop the sale on July 13 as an “Influencer” (everyone who has the Nordstrom Card starts out at the “Influencer” level.

One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of the items full-time influencers share, will sell out QUICK! For example, the Barefoot dreams blankets are always part of the sale, and I’ve never been able to grab one during it. It’s also very frustrating because I see a lot of these full-time influencers buy multiples of one item for giveaways!

This is why my guide will have a mix of a few popular items that are always part of the sale (like Spanx faux leather leggings), and other items that I don’t think will sell out as quickly.

Feeling overwhelmed with all the sale collages being thrown at you?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when all you see are sale collages on social media. Here’s my technique – go into the sale with a focus. For example, one year I focused on loungewear (must have been 2020/2021 during the COVID-19 Pandemic). Another year, I focused on jewelry/accessories. Also, give yourself a budget – there is no need to go into debt over this sale! Because I’m planning to buy one big item this year, I may not buy anything else, or I might buy one or two items for a total of three items. We shall see!

My NSale Guide

I think the NSale is a great time to stock up on Nordstrom brand jewlery – the quality is great (they don’t turn my skin green!) and it’s very affordable! It’s also a great time to stock up on basic pieces like tanks and trench coats that carry you from fall to winter. Below are my guides that I hope help you find your focus for this year’s sale.

-Shop Nordstrom Beauty-

-Shop Nordstrom Fashion-

-Shop Nordstrom Home-

-Shop Nordstrom Accessories-

-Shop Nordstrom Men’s-

*Disclaimer: Some affiliate links may be used, which I may earn a small commission from (at no cost to you). As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Guide | 2022

It’s officially that time! Time to preview the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!

This is the time when I do the majority of my shopping from Nordstrom. I try to stick to a theme every year in order to stay focused and within my budget. For example, during the year COVID-19 first hit, I stuck with loungewear. Another year, my focus was on accessories – Nordstrom’s brand is great quality! This year, my focus is kind of spread out.. where I’m wanting one lounge piece, maybe one necklace, and perhaps a pair of shoes? Yes, I don’t really have a theme this year, but if I plan to stick to only ONE item per category, I think I’ll be good! I’ll share what I eventually end up ordering!

One important thing to take note of is the tiered access system. If you’re a Nordstrom Card holder, you’ll get earlier access to the sale, depending on how much you spend a year.

One important thing I need to mention is to ALWAYS stay focused and never go past your budget. It can be very easy to get excited and get off track – which is why I find a theme for each year or a main focus. A general piece of advice for any major sale is to stick to basics. I recently read that your wardrobe should be 80% basics and 20% trendy pieces, which I think is a great rule to follow.

I usually use this sale to try something I’ve been wanting to try, but didn’t want to make the splurge without a sale. I also use this sale as a time to buy jewelry. I’ve found Nordstrom brand jewelry to be great quality! I have a number of pieces from Nordstrom that have lasted years!

I took a look at the preview for the sale and put together things I don’t think will sell out fast. One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing full-time influencers share items that are already sold out by the time the general public has access to the sale. So, I made it a point to only include a few big name brand pieces. I do have one collage dedicated to Barefoot Dreams, but I’m hoping there’s enough variety to where you will still have options if something is sold out – like the leopard blanket for example – it sells out FAST! So, I include other blanket styles as well.

My husband never shops the NSale, so I didn’t take the time to make any collages for the menswear/accessories. The same goes for kids, since we don’t have kids.

The NSale is one of my favorite sales and I look forward to it every year! I hope you find my guide helpful!


-Shop this Collage-



-Shop this Collage-



-Shop this Collage-



-Shop this Collage-




*Disclaimer: Some affiliate links may be used, which I may earn a small commission from (at no cost to you). As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

One more day to shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!

Have you shopped the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale? There’s only one day left! I took a look at my guide, and there’s still a good amount of things left!

I LOVE my Good American Jeans, and the initial necklace. The nightdress is also incredibly soft – a top fave!

Take a look and see if your size is still in stock!

-Shop the Post-

*Disclaimer: Some affiliate links may be used, which I may earn a small commission from (at no cost to you).

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale | 2021

It’s that time of year again! Time to take advantage of some good deals coming up at Nordstrom!

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is the time I shop at Nordstrom the most. I try not to make too many purchases throughout the year there and usually try to wait for this sale.

I understand this sale is frustrating for many, myself included. The problem I’ve seen in the past is that A LOT of things sell out FAST. In addition to this, a lot of influencers buy multiples of items for their giveaways – and these are popular items too, like the Barefoot Dreams blankets. In fact, I was so annoyed by never being able to get that blanket on sale, that I just bought it myself full price! It doesn’t make sense to me that influencers make collages of very popular items, that the general public won’t even be able to put the item in their cart once the sale is open to them!

So, for this year’s sale, I put together a list of things I’m hoping don’t sell out quickly. Yes, I’ve included things like the Barefoot Dreams blankets, just to let you know it is a hot-ticket item. I’ve also included a few things I already have and can 100% vouch for in terms of quality.

The products I tend to stay away from during this sale, are shoes. Shoes are always difficult for me to buy online – I prefer to try them on in-store if I can. While I love a great deal on a pair of shoes, unless I’m dying to have them, I won’t make the purchase. This is something I learned from my a previous Nordstrom Anniversary Sale – I bought booties and they were just a little too tight for my wide feet! I kept them anyway. I just try not to wear them for long hours.

As you browse through these collages (all are linked) I made, I suggest putting items you love in your “wish list.” This will make the process to check out quick and easy, and gives you a higher chance of actually getting these products. I do want to warn you however, that I did end up not getting a shirt that I successfully checked out with because turns out – it was out of stock. So, that is another thing that is frustrating.

Take note of when you have access to the sale (I myself can start to shop on July 16th), and remember, don’t go into debt over it! Stay in control! I always give myself a limit and even then, try to stay below it as much as I can. All items are linked, just click on each collage. Good luck!

Watch the video below to see shots of the items I already have and my thoughts on each piece.

Full video:

The NSale is taking over my life | Adjusted Wish List

My previous blog post was all about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and what my focus on items would be on.

Well, that basically all went out the window as things started to sell out fast as it opened up to Icons, Ambassadors, and Influencers first.

I was bummed, but this is also helping me narrow down my wish list. However, because the sale is open to different people in different tiers first.. I’m also being HEAVILY INFLUENCED by everyone shopping early! It’s changed up my wish list and now I’m looking at more than just comfy loungewear.

Here’s a look at my modified wish list:

I’ve left sold out items in my cart on purpose.. hoping it might be back in stock when it’s my time to shop the sale.

I’ve deleted a few items and added a few new things, further adding to my indecisiveness.

I do have a list of Must Haves within this wish list:

  1. Barefoot Dreams Blanket
  2. Indoorsy Sweatshirt
  3. The 42 Gold Fog Suede Booties
  4. One of those leggings. Still can’t decide between the BP pair or the Spanx pair.
  5. Barefoot Dreams Socks (is this silly?)
  6. Madewell Camo Jacket

I also went to Nordstrom Rack yesterday hoping to find a Barefoot Dreams Blanket – I’ve heard they’re listed for even cheaper at $50! I didn’t find any.

What I did find were several lounge sets! So, I picked up one pair of the softest shorts I’ve ever touched, one red lounge set, and a grey cropped t-shirt. Now, I’m not so sure about these lounge sets on my wish list since I already found some for around $20.

I’m definitely hoping to get this narrowed down even more before the 13th!

Hope this blog post helps anyone looking to also narrow down their wish list!

Did you see last week’s YouTube video? It was all about my corgis!

I won’t have a regular video going up today as it will be another one about my corgis.

I’ve also placed a big order on Amazon – video on that will be up once everything comes in! It’s been divided into three orders.

Hope you all have a great week!

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale | My Wish List

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is something I look forward to EVERY year. It’s a time when you can find some of the best deals on a number of items from women and men’s clothing, accessories, home decor, and much, much, more. Mark your calendars! The sale opens to the public on August 19th!

I use this time to stock up on skincare products I know I like (if they’re part of the sale), and to try new products I couldn’t bring myself to splurge full price on.

Of course, if there aren’t a lot of items I’m super interested in, it’s okay! There’s no need to try and find something just for the sake of buying an item on sale. Plus, there’s always next year!

Since I have a Nordstrom credit card, I’m able to shop the sale before the public. In fact, you can even apply for a Nordstrom credit card anytime from now until ONE day before the sale. BUT — do not go into debt over this or any sale. Give yourself a budget to follow and stick to!

While I won’t have a video guide for the sale, I thought it’d be fun to still outline what I’m looking to get this year.

This year, I’m going for more of a relaxed vibe with clothing. Maybe a restock on a skincare item, a bra I know I like, maybe some jewelry, and a Barefoot Dreams blanket I’ve been putting off on getting. Again, this is just my wishlist – I won’t be getting everything.

This whole working from home thing has really got me excited for new loungewear, and with the COVID-19 pandemic looking like it’s not going away anytime soon (although, I would like it to!), I’ve decided I need more loungewear! Also, my feet always get cold.. so that’s why I added the Barefoot Dreams fuzzy socks to my wish list, haha.

As for the earrings, this looks like the same pair I got the first time I shopped the sale a few years ago. I somehow ended up losing one of them, and I’ve been bummed about it ever since! So, I thought the price for a new set wasn’t bad.

Yes, the Chanel lip balm isn’t part of the sale, but I figured I’d just add it to my wishlist anyway and order it all at once. I’ve heard great things about it too!

I’ve also been looking to get more workout tops and figured why not add at least one to this list. This Free People top has great reviews and I definitely wouldn’t be getting it if it wasn’t on sale.

You may have noticed pajama sets in my list — I think they’re cute and I really don’t have any pj sets in my wardrobe.

The black and white top from Threat & Supply looks so soft – I hope it fits good too! This is the most challenging part of online shopping – you just hope it all fits right!

I’m super picky about my jewelry, but I think the silver Cubic Zirconia Bangle from Nordstrom would look great with a gold or silver watch.

The Natori bra on my list is something I already have in a different color. I love how it fits and feels, and I thought this would be a great time to get a second one.

Jo Malone London fragrances are something I see on nearly everyone’s wishlist/guide for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I’ve never smelled any of their perfumes or candles, but I’m considering trying out their Mini Discovery Set.

If you’ve ever seen any Nordstrom Anniversary Sale guide, then it should be no surprise to see the Barefoot Dreams blanket on my wish list. I have one of their cardigans from a previous sale – it’s huge on me. It basically looks like a robe, but I still wear it. So, I’ll be sure to try on other cardigans in store before I purchase another one. I’ve definitely been wanting one of their blankets, and now is the perfect time!

Ready to start putting together your own wish list?

Click here to fully preview the sale.

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