#TeamiPartner As a Teami Partner, I’ve been able to try a few different products ranging from tea blends and dietary supplements. The latest […]
I’ve always been interested in switching to a natural deodorant, but all the ones I’ve tried just never worked for me! If you’re […]
When the Billie Razor first came out, I was definitely skeptical. Why would I want to pay a monthly fee for razors? Turns […]
I’m kind of late to the Apple AirPods bandwagon, but better late than never, right? I was always against AirPods – they’re too […]
I was never the best at face washing – it takes up too much time! But I always thought, “Hey, I did it, […]
I’m not a fashion guru, but I do feel somewhat fashionable when I’m wearing a nice watch. I know.. Apple Watches are all […]